Welcome to the Urania Trust

The Urania Trust was founded as an educational charity on the 9th November 1970 to further the advancement of education regarding the relationship between man's knowledge and beliefs about the heavens and every aspect of art science, philosophy and religion. Our founding trustees were highly esteemed astrologers: James Russell, Ada Phillips, Charles Harvey, John Addey and Tom Fripp.    Read more about The Urania Trust...

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A Philosophical View of Astrology

We orient ourselves within time and space that have pre-existed us by thousands of years. However remote this might seem from our ancestors, it draws on the same source to establish its accuracy: the position of the stars.

Platonic Philosophy, Part 4: Ethics

The direction of Plato's ethical system is based on the nature of the human self and its destiny: if we are, as he thinks, immortal and intellectual creatures, unfolding our potential in the world of time, then the pursuit of material wealth and temporal security is of little value.

Marion March (1923-2001)

A German born, American astrologer who rose to become internationally known as a lecturer and teacher. She was twice awarded the Regulus Award. With Joan McEvers she co-wrote the best selling 6 volume series The Only Way to Learn Astrology.