Welcome to the Urania Trust

The Urania Trust was founded as an educational charity on the 9th November 1970 by a group of highly esteemed astrologers. Our continuing purpose is to further the advancement of education regarding the relationship between man's knowledge and beliefs about the heavens and every aspect of art science, philosophy and religion.

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Galileo as Astrologer (1564-1642)

Galileo Galilei

Galileo practised astrology in a matter-of-fact way. He was a heliocentric astronomer/astrologer – a radically new thing among 17th century Mathematici. He didn't re-evaluate astrology, as his contemporary Kepler did, but interpreted horoscopes to advise his patrons.

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Soul Flavours 3: Operating the Method

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William Morris shows how to combine food, natural medicine concepts, astrology and remediation. Part 3 of this series includes an extensive Table of Planetary Dignities, the astrology chart of Sigmund Freud, and medical astrology concepts.

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Does Astrology Have a Role in Mental Health Care?

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Therapeutic astrology interprets the astrology chart and planets psychologically, as representations of our varied human drives.

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