The Urania Trust is pleased to present articles from many different esoteric topics and on our website.
It is our aim to offer high quality discussions in areas like astrology, celebrated astrologers, philosophy, psychology, sacred topics, academic papers, and more.
We welcome articles being submitted to us to be considered for publication on our website.
General Guidelines
These guidelines, although not exclusive, will give you an idea of the criteria that the Urania Trust draws on when considering articles. For more details, see our Style Sheet below.
- Your article should have references if you refer to others' work or the past giants whose shoulders you’re standing on.
- The word count is flexible; however, please see our Style Sheet below for more about the article length.
- Please submit in digital form, either as a Word document or a Rich Text Format (RTF) or as a plain text file.
- Any diagrams or images should be sent preferably as JPG or PNG, or GIF (for line diagrams only); BMP or TIFF files may also be sent if the other formats are not available. Images should be large, even larger than they will appear on the page (we can adjust them to the best size). It should have a minimum of 300px (pixels) as the smallest dimension.
- Please include a brief bio of 2-3 sentences; no more than 125 words.
Urania Trust Article Style Sheet - 12 Steps to Publishing
You may download our Style Sheet as a PDF document (64KB).
Thank you in advance for following our style sheet. This will make it easier to transfer your article to our website, which has a rather different format than a printed page, and increase the visibility of your article in Google searches.
- Submit your article as an RTF document or Word document. Use Word's Style features, if possible, for headings, foot/endnotes, Figures, etc. The font and line spacing can be whatever you wish, since this will be handled by the website's styling. Italic and bold text may be used for emphasis.
- Label and number the Figures and Tables in the article. Images, diagrams, graphs, charts, and other images, should be labeled sequentially as Figures (e.g. Fig. 1, Fig. 2, etc), with the exception of tables that are images (e.g. they may have special symbols). All tables, whether as text or as an image, should be labeled as Tables (e.g. Table 1, Table 2, etc). Below the Figures and Tables, put a brief explanatory title and/or description in the text (e.g. "Table 3: Sign rulers using traditional rulership," or "Fig. 2: Diagram of planetary aspects"). Ensure that all references to Figures and Tables in the article are correct (e.g. mentions of 'Figure 2' actually refer to Figure 2).
- Figures: Diagrams, Images, and Graphics. Ideally, please make diagrams and images a large size (e.g. page-margin-width). Larger is better because it can be shrunk to a clear smaller size for the web page. You may submit images either as separate graphic files (preferred: JPG, GIF or PNG) or placed within the Word/RFT text. Graphics, charts and line diagrams are best submitted in GIF or PNG file format. Photos or photo-like images (with graduated colours or shading) are best submitted in JPG or PNG file format. Tables should ideally be in text format within the article, when possible (not an image); however, if you want to use glyphs, symbols or non-standard characters in tables or text, please reach out to us to discuss any special instructions, or if you have any questions.
- Astrology Charts. Charts must include the name of the person or event in the chart image. In addition, please include the chart data if appropriate (e.g. unless it's confidential), as well as any other information that's relevant to your article (e.g. Tropical vs Heliocentric, mean vs true Node or Black Moon, house system, etc). It's best to mention any non-standard planets, objects or points used in the chart (e.g. asteroids, dwarf planets, Kuiper Belt objects, calculated points, etc).
- Keep Paragraphs short. Shorter paragraphs tend to be easier to read online compared to longer ones, ideally no more than 4 or 5 sentences.
- Article Length. Ideally, articles should be no more than 1500-2000 words, since readers tend to find extremely long articles difficult to read on-screen. If your article is very long (e.g. 3000+ words), consider dividing it into multiple Parts (Part 1, Part 2, etc), or recommend where the article should be divided. In that case, please include a sub-title for each Part.
- Use headings and sub-headings. Headings and sub-headings help to divide up and structure the article ideas, and make it easier to follow especially for complex articles. Short articles (up to roughly 600 words) may optionally use headings to aid in comprehension and structure. Longer articles usually benefit from at least 2 heading levels (headings and sub-headings), or more if it helps the reader follow the structure of the article more easily. Ideally, Word Styles (using Heading 1, Heading 2, etc) may be used for headings since this makes it easier when we convert it into a webpage. If not using Word Styles, please differentiate each heading level using font size and/or colour.
- Keep Titles and Headings short. The title of the article should be no more than about 35 characters (including spaces and punctuation). If you feel it needs a longer title, consider using a short primary title and a second sub-title. For multi-part articles, the sub-title works well as the title of each Part. Headings should also be kept on the short side (about 35 characters max). The reason is that longer titles and headings often wrap onto multiple lines, particularly on smaller screens, which can make the layout awkward.
- Abstract and/or Introduction. For long or scholarly articles, you may begin with an Abstract and/or Introduction section. In this case, we may decide to treat this as Part 1 of a longer, multi-part article.
- Footnotes, Endnotes, and Bibliography. On a website, these are placed at the bottom of the web page, and as a result people often don't read these online. Therefore, any important supplemental information is better to include within the text itself, or it could be added as a sidebar. Footnotes may be used for reference purposes if needed; in this case we prefer that you use the Review>Footnotes feature in Word if possible. Please ensure that these are sequential and correct before submitting. Optionally, you may also include a bibliography of your sources at the bottom of the article (recommended for academic articles). If you wish to add a link to a source, please include the title or a brief description of the source, as well as the link.
- Search Keywords. Please give us a list of 12 keywords or phrases by which people searching on the Internet could find your article. This will help us present your article in a way that will attract more readers.
- Author Biography. Include a brief biography about yourself, using 3 or 4 sentences or roughly 60-125 words. Also, give us your name as you would like it to appear on the website (e.g. with or without a title or letters after your name, and/or pronouns if you wish to include this).
Thank you for helping us present your article in the way it deserves!
To Submit an Article
If you would like to submit an article, please email it to the trustees, along with any image files you wish to include. You will be notified if your article is accepted.