5 July 1942, 7:40 AM CWT
Onawa, Iowa
Placidus Houses, True Node
Geocentric, Tropical
(Source Notes)

Donna Cunningham was an internationally respected American astrologer, writer, lecturer and counsellor. Graduating from a masters degree in sociology in 1967 her initial work as a social worker was in hospitals, womens' health, psychiatric clinics and disability services. Beginning to study astrology in 1968, she left full time work to create her own private counselling practice where she combined psychotherapy, astrology and healing.
Donna's main teacher was Richard Idemon who introduced her to the blend of psychotherapy and astrology that seemed natural to her. By 1983 she was certified as a professional astrologer by the AFA and by Jim Lewis as a practitioner of Astro*Carto*Graphy. She was already speaking at conferences, contributing articles to The Mountain Astrologer and for twenty years wrote a regular advice column for Dell Horoscope's Astrology at Work.
Donna belonged to the National Council for GeoCosmic Research from its inception in 1971. She was awarded the 1998 Regulus Award for her contribution to theory and understanding in astrology. In 2000 Donna also created an online virtual museum website for past astrologers at The Astrologers' Memorial Web Page. Donna died on her 75th birthday in July 2017.
Major Published Works
An Astrological Guide to Self Awareness
The Moon in Your Life: Being a Lunar Type in a Solar World
Healing Pluto Problems
Moon Signs: The Guide to Your Inner Life
Astrology and Vibrational Healing
Astrology and Spiritual Development
The Consulting Astrologer's Guidebook
How to Read your Astrological Chart: Aspects of the Cosmic Puzzle
The Stellium Handbook