Applied Astrology

Principles and concepts of astrology can be used to gain insight into events, people, cultural patterns, artistic trends, and other disciplines. This offers a rich extra dimension of information and perspective. These articles show examples of astrology in action.
Sylvia Plath's Fixed Stars
Sylvia Plath, celebrated for her poetry, novels and short stories, had a remarkable yet tragic life. The Fixed Stars that are aligned with Plath's natal chart reveal an extra layer of depth, strength and struggle, including powerful fixed stars like Regulus and Algol. She was aware of her astrology through her husband, Ted Hughes.
Astrology and Shakespeare Part 1
Did William Shakespeare “believe” in astrology? Astrological symbolism shows up in specific details as well as the archetypal basis of entire plays. In Part 1, Priscilla Costello does a deep dive into Romeo and Juliet to reveal its astrological symbolism.
Astrology and Shakespeare Part 2
Astrological symbolism shows up throughout William Shakespeare’s works both in specific astrological details and as the archetypal basis for entire plays. In Part 2, Priscilla Costello explores these astrological references in The Merchant of Venice, Richard II, Hamlet, and more.
Saint Peter’s Basilica an Astrological Triumph
Astrology may not come to mind immediately for the millions of visitors who take in the spectacle of Saint Peter's Basilica each year, but construction of the church was in fact begun on a certain date and at a precise time chosen for its astrological significance.