Welcome to the Urania Trust
The Urania Trust was founded as an educational charity on the 9th November 1970 by a group of highly esteemed astrologers. Our continuing purpose is to further the advancement of education regarding the relationship between man's knowledge and beliefs about the heavens and every aspect of art science, philosophy and religion.
Featured Articles
Astrology of the Dwarf Planets

Astrology of the Dwarf Planets: The Galactic Dimension of Creation Mythology. Hollis Grail is the author of this in-depth book on Dwarf Planets, a new area of astrology still being studied. Their book explores the astrological meaning and mythology of Ceres, Pluto, Eris, Haumea, Makemake, Quaoar, Sedna and more.
Written in the Stars: The Language of Astrology, Part 1

In Part One of this two-part article, Mike Harding explores the intersection of philosophy and astrology, citing the works of philosophers Heidegger, Wittgenstein, Safranski and more.
Sylvia Plath's Fixed Stars

Sylvia Plath, celebrated for her poetry, novels and short stories, had a remarkable yet tragic life. The Fixed Stars that are aligned with Plath's natal chart reveal an extra layer of depth, strength and struggle, including powerful fixed stars like Regulus and Algol. She was aware of her astrology through her husband, Ted Hughes.