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Sacred Sites from Neolithic Ireland

Neolithic Ireland

The great megalithic monuments of Ireland were constructed from 4000-2800 BCE. From Sligo to Dublin are monuments that are today referred to as passage tombs. The people who built them left no written records so we can only speculate why they were built.

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Platonic Philosophy, Part 1: Introduction

Plato, from Raphael's The School of Athens

It is said that when he was near death, Plato had a dream in which he saw himself changed into a swan that flew from tree to tree making it difficult to catch him. Of all the philosophers, Plato is perhaps the most difficult to feel that one has him and his meaning properly netted and secure.

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Sacred Landscapes of Ancient Ohio

Wray Figurine

In the 19th century, the Smithsonian Institution identified 100,000+ mounds and earthwork sites across the US. The largest concentration is in Ohio where 34,972 prehistoric sites were found by 2004. Who built them? For what purpose? Why was so much time and effort invested in their construction?

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