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Platonic Philosophy, Part 3: Psychology

Plato, copy after Silanion

What is the soul according to Plato and his tradition? Going back to the simplest terms: psyche in Greek means breath – our earthly life is traditionally measured from the first breath to our last. So for the Greeks, psyche is the life giver which makes otherwise inanimate matter live.

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Johannes Kepler (1571-1630)

Johannes Kepler

Throughout his troubled life, Kepler sought a Pythagorean unity between Astronomy and Astrology. He invented three new astrological aspects, along with his three laws of planetary motion. These were part of his quest for the Harmonices Mundi, his magnum opus.

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Astrologer Predicted Global Pandemic


French Astrologer Andre Barbault reports pandemics occur when outer planets, from Jupiter to Pluto, orbit in close proximity.

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